The Fine Art of Filtration
The Fine Art of Filtration
Filtering clears wine by removing fermentation debris and some of the yeast, preventing these materials from breaking down during aging and thereby increasing the wine's stability. Stable wines are less likely to change their appearance and taste over time. When a significant amount of the microscopic organisms that could restart fermentation are removed, the amount of preservatives can be reduced. Filtering also accelerates the wine's evolution by preventing the formation of sediment, 'force aging' the wine for a smoother taste while still young.
For most winemakers, the most important step in the winemaking process is the filtering. From the best filtering equipment, properly matched to the correct Filter Pads, come the clearest, most inviting, sediment-free wines.
Every Buon Vino Wine Filter is designed with a specific pump flow rate and pressure that are matched to the specified Buon Vino Filter Pad. To enjoy optimum results, it is essential to ensure that the correct Filter Pads are used every time.
New Model Mini Jet and Pre-Screen Filter Now Available! Click for more information
The Fine Art of Filtration

The Fine Art of Filtration

Buon Vino Mini Jet Wine Filter
Buon Vino Mini Jet Wine Filter
The perfect solution for the ocassional home winemaker who makes 5 gallons of wine at a time from kits, the Mini Jet filters approximately 80 litres/hour.
(Learn more about the Mini Jet…)
The Fine Art of Filtration

Buon Vino Super Jet Wine Filter
Buon Vino Super Jet Wine Filter
Developed for home wine makers who make 40 gallons plus per year from grapes, berries or fresh juice, the Super Jet filters approximately 270 litres/hour, producig a professional-level brilliance and sparkle.
The Fine Art of Filtration

6-Pad Semi-Industrial Wine Filter
Buon Vino 6-Pad Semi-Industrial Wine Filter
The 6-Pad Wine Fillter looks and operates the same as the Super Jet 3-Pad Filter. However, it has additional room for 3 more filter pads and has a higher capacity pump.
The Fine Art of Filtration
10-Pad Semi-Industrial Wine Filter
Buon Vino 10-Pad Semi-Industrial Wine Filter
This 10-pad Wine Filter is ideally suited to the larger wine producer, and for on-premises wine making shops and has a filtering capacity over 350 litres/hour.
(Learn more about the Semi-Industrial Wine Filter…)
The key to effective wine filtering is the Filter Pads. All pads MUST be of the same grade (do NOT mix course, polish and fine pads together) and inserted properly. Learn more about using the correct Filter Pads here…
CLEAR IT UP – Step-by-step, how to filter your wine
This copyrighted article appeared in the October-November 2002 issue of WineMaker magazine and clearly describes the filtering process. It is published here with the permission of the publisher (
Download article now… (2.8MB)
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